Convert Percentage to GPA for US Universities

Table of Contents

How to Convert Percentage to CGPA (on a Scale of 10)


To convert CGPA to percentage and vice versa, different universities follow different methods and one of the followed methods is:

Equivalent % = (CGPA/10) * 90

And CGPA = (Percentage/90) * 10

In order to convert Percentage to CGPA (out of 10), divide your percentage by 9.5 and the result will be your CGPA. For example, to convert 75 percent to CGPA, we divide it by 9.5 and the resulting number 7.9 is the CGPA out of 10.

Basically, GPA= Percentage/9.5

You can various calculators provided online to convert your CGPA to Percentage or the vice versa. The other method to convert CGPA to the percentage system provided by CBSE is to multiply CGPA with 9.5 which will help you to get the percentage. For example, anyone scoring 9.2 CGPA will have a percentage of 9.7*9.5=92.15%.

Similarly, to convert the percentage to CGPA, you need to divide the percentage by 9.5 which will give your CGPA score. Taking an example, if your overall percentage is 93% then your CGPA score would be 93/9.5 = 9.7

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage (Simple Chart)


How to Convert CGPA to Percentage



GPA to Percentage Calculation




How to calculate CGPA to Percentage



CGPA to Percentage Conversion
Source: Leverage Edu



CGPA to Percentage Calculation by Major Indian Universities

Anna University

As per Anna University, Percentage=CGPA x10 [CGPA multiplied by 10 gives the value of percentage]

Mumbai University

In the 7 point grading system, the percentage is calculated on the percentage of actual marks obtained. For 10 point the formula is Percentage (%) = 7.1 *CGPA +11.


CGPA =Σ(Ci×GPi)/ΣCi, where Ci = credit assigned for a course

The Percentage Marks (% Marks) = 10xG – 3.75 

JNTU – Hyderabad & Kakinda

Percentage=CGPA x10 [CGPA multiplied by 10 gives the value of percentage]

During the course of your search for colleges and universities abroad, you’ll often come across the term “GPA.” The Indian education system does follow a GPA grading scale, however it is different from the International GPA scale used by schools abroad, like in the US, Canada and Australia. International students from schools who follow a different GPA grading scale may be confused when they switch to a new system. SchoolApply can smooth out this transition by calculating your GPA according to the scale used by schools abroad.


What are GPA and CGPA?

GPA is an abbreviation for Grade Point Average. It is a standard method of calculating a student’s average grade over a stipulated period, like one term/semester. GPA is calculated by dividing the average grade points a student achieves by the total credit hours attended by the student.

how to calculate gpa

CGPA  stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is used to denote a student’s overall average performance throughout their academic program, be it a high school, Bachelor’s, or Master’s program. To start off, credit hours are the total amount of time a student spends in classes. Grade points are the marks you receive for your subjects. To calculate a CGPA, you simply divide your total score of grade points for all subjects throughout your semesters by the total number of credit hours attended throughout your semesters. GPA and CGPA are indicated by a number as opposed to percentages, and grades are assigned under the Indian grading system.

GPA is a standard grading method practiced across the US, Canada and Australia. However the grading scale is different for every country. In the US and Canada, the GPA band is 0.0 to 4.0 points, with 4 being the highest mark/score, whereas certain schools in Australia use a GPA band from 0.0 to 7.0, where 7 is the highest mark/score.  

Image result for convert marks percentage to gpa

How the GPA System Compares to Indian Grading System:

Students from an Indian education background will find the International GPA grading system used by schools abroad different from what they are used to. This is because Indian schools grade academic performance through one of these two systems: 1) Percentage system, or 2) A 10-point GPA system. In the percentage system, marks are converted to a percentage which is then assigned to a category of four ranks known as divisions: Distinction, which is 75% and above; 1st Division, which is between 60% and 75%; 2nd Division, which is between 50% and 60%; and 3rd Division, which is between 40% and 50%. In the 10-point GPA system, letter grades are normally attached to points, for instance a grade point of 9 earns an “A” letter grade.

Normally, letter grades and percentages can easily be converted to an International GPA. First, the percentages are translated to letter grades, and these letter grades are matched to the standardized International GPA score. For instance, a 69% is an “A” letter grade which converts to 4 points in the US GPA system.

Here is a US GPA conversion table for your reference:

US Grade Point Equivalent for Percentages and Grade Points Scored in Indian Schools

Indian Percentage Grading System Letter Grades US 4-point GPA System
60-100 A 4
55-59% B+ 3.5
50-54% B 3
43-49% C+ 2.5
35-42% C 2
0-34% F 0

For students applying abroad, American and Canadian schools consider a minimum GPA an essential requirement for admission to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs.
